We manage your project
Knowing that conviction in investigation, technological development and innovation are the essential pillars in which our competitiveness development is based on, ITECAM offers to its clients a consultative service and personal advising in R+D+& projects.
In order to achieve that purpose, ITECAM conforms a multidisciplinary team of professional workers who configure work teams depending on necessities and results needed to achieve each project.
- Technological and transversal advising
- Technological diagnostics in productive and operative innovation
- Technical and economic viability studies: Before starting a project, it is essential to study the important technical and economic aspects of viability.
- Management and development of R+D+& projects: development of business initiatives and innovations, complementary to our capacity to offer integral solutions.
- Financing search and public economic aids to R+D+&: it is analysed and spread to associated companies interesting lines of assistance, advising about the ones which are appropriate for their projects development.
- Protection of industrial and intellectual property: patents, trade assessment in technology, technological promotion, required licenses, etc. It includes a cooperative agreement with OEPM (Spanish Office of Patents and Brands) through which clients are offered the possibility to request Technological Patents and Informs about Technical Security with provided discounts.
- Prospective Technological Security that allows clients to detect and know the latest advances in specific sectors.
- Point of information about Investigation, development and innovation activities (PI+D+i)