Other Projects

Entity and Financial line: Council Office of Ciudad Real.

Direct Plan for Innovation is a project dedicated to consultations that has as a main purpose to increase innovative capacity of projects as R+D+& of processed food and manufacturing companies in Ciudad Real. Those purposes are achieved through a determined assessment individualized projected to PYME for it to:

  • Know the basic sources of information to confront technological decisions.
  • Identify potential associates and competitors.
  • Be informed in new rules and legal publications that could affect to the success of a technological innovation.
  • Be able to compile all necessary information to set in motion R+D+& projects and to finance its innovative capacity.
  • Know all public calls both in finances and subventions regionally, nationally and internationally.

Innovation and technological diagnostic are major elements in the management of systems in R+D+&. they allow companies to be centred on critical development for its organization and to subcontract and minimize efforts in the set in motion of R+D+& projects, taking advantage of the latest developments in the area.

This project is based on the creation of a diagnostic plan both technological and innovative for 25 companies in Processed Food and Manufacturing Sectors.

Entity and Financial Line: Local government in Tomelloso.

Specific services in identification of technological and innovative opportunities in Industrial sectors of the town and the creation of an Office for Innovation located in CLIPE (Centre of Companies) inside the town hall. ITECAM offers a free assessment through which PYNMES can obtain benefits in information about possible economic aids regionally, nationally, internationally and European.

Thus, a specialized technician of ITECAM offers assessment individualized in business innovation. Within this project, the company is getting closer to improvements in competitiveness with innovative services as well as a better identification of chances in technological areas for industrial sectors.

The office is opened on Thursdays from 9:30 to 14:00 as a point of information and assessment. Furthermore, companies are supported computationally so that the principal web of the local government is being prepared as a space dedicated to the Office for Innovation in which users could request precise information through the correspondent questionnaire. Web link is also available through mail services: oficinainnovaciontomelloso@itecam.com

Through the agreement between ITECAM and the Local Government of Tomelloso it is being possible the opening of the office.

Entity and financial line: Local Government of Tomelloso.

Creation of the Strategic plan to the Sustainable Urban Development (EIDUS) in Tomelloso to which it is being achieved an economic aid from European Funds FEDER of around four million euros to the development of at least nine projects.

Itecam participated actively in the creation of the project together with the local government of Tomelloso which also improves the importance for Itecam in the development of projects both for companies and for any type of entity.

The planning will be centred on projects as “Smart City” digitalizing all structures in Tomelloso to the design of apps and services that will make benefits for citizens and to which it is being achieved a budget of 260.000 euros. Other projects are based on the digitalization of cultural ant touristic patrimony with 120.000 euros; the improvements of electronic administration with approximately 260.000 euros; a plan for sustainable and urban mobility with 500.000; improvement in energetic efficiency in public buildings with 750.000 euros; the rehabilitation of the main square in Tomelloso with 1’4 million which includes rehabilitation of areas for its socio-economic and cultural development with 1’3 million; a project for the revitalization of PYMES and trade with 190.000 euros and also a plan for professional training for employ and entrepreneur with 200.000 euros.

Entity and financial line: Community Assembly of Castilla-La Mancha

This line has been developed in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Teaching Training (CRFP) and has produced the well-known Industrial College of Teaching. Through this initiative, it is been programmed permanent actuations to training and technical improvement for teachers in Castilla La Mancha linked to industrial spheres.

Thus, in that College it is registered the plan for “Industrial Design with 3D-CAD Sources” that Itecam taught to teachers coming from Professional Training of families related to the industrial sectors around all provinces in the whole region.

The training was based on the comprehension and utilization of sources for designs in three dimensions that were applied in the development of design projects proposed by several cooperative companies. The main goal was to apply those acquired knowledges during the whole course to encourage teacher-student-company links.

Itecam provided to teachers all contents and educative resources as well as the organization of tutorials, coordination and monitoring of student’s work.