Autonomic Projects

Financing by: The H2PHOTOPROD project (PLEC2021-007831) has been funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRT

Call: Call for grants for the implementation of research and technology transfer projects of the JCCM. Call 2021.

Period of exection: September 2022 – August 2024

Total Budget: 119.990,67 €

Coordinator: ITECAM (Industrial Technology Center of Castilla-La Mancha)

- Instituto de Tecnología Química ( ITQ, UPV- CSIC)


The aim of this project is to study hydrogen production processes by means of water decomposition. For this purpose, photocatalysts based on MOF materials will be used, which will be developed and optimised for this project. In the development of these catalysts, the aim will be to reduce the amount of noble metals by substituting or partially replacing them with other, cheaper metals. These catalysts will then be deposited on solar panels developed through additive manufacturing by evaluating different materials and morphologies (with emphasis on biodegradable and transparent materials).

This new concept would allow the photoelectrochemical decomposition of water, generating a pure stream of hydrogen that can be easily exploited by other systems for energy production, such as fuel cells.





Entity and financial line: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Challenge Call of Collaboration.

ITECAM participates inside the call Challenge-Collaboration 2016 of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the project “Optimization and Improvement of Electrolysis Cells PEM for the production of Hydrogen through simulation and experimentation (ENHIGMA)”.

In order to introduce scientific, technological and industrial knowledge, this initiative is developed in strict cooperation with five more entities and companies that participate in the National Centre of Hydrogen (CNH2), Adix Enginery, Energetic Hydrogen Development, the Association of Industry in Navarra (AIN) and FLUBETECH.

Due to the production of hydrogen with energetic ends through non based combustible fossils will be one of the major challenges for the future, the aim of the project is to obtain a PEM electrolyser (Proton Exchange Membrane) of greater duration and less energetic consumption through optimizations in design and bipolar plaques that are composed of. The reason why this is necessary is because among the possible methods to produce hydrogen through renewable energy, electrolysis PEM constitutes the most important process.

Within the project, ITECAM will developed several mathematical modes through FEA software (Finite Element Analysis) to analyse the mechanical and structural behaviour of bipolar plaques assembled. The aim is to guarantee the mechanic integrity of the several manufactured pieces. It will also cooperate during the production phase of prototypes in the design of necessary equipment and the optimization of the mechanic process.


Entity and financial line: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Challenge Call of Collaboration.

ITECAM participates inside the call Challenge-Collaboration 2016 of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the project “Optimization and Improvement of Electrolysis Cells PEM for the production of Hydrogen through simulation and experimentation (ENHIGMA)”.

In order to introduce scientific, technological and industrial knowledge, this initiative is developed in strict cooperation with five more entities and companies that participate in the National Centre of Hydrogen (CNH2), Adix Enginery, Energetic Hydrogen Development, the Association of Industry in Navarra (AIN) and FLUBETECH.

Due to the production of hydrogen with energetic ends through non based combustible fossils will be one of the major challenges for the future, the aim of the project is to obtain a PEM electrolyser (Proton Exchange Membrane) of greater duration and less energetic consumption through optimizations in design and bipolar plaques that are composed of. The reason why this is necessary is because among the possible methods to produce hydrogen through renewable energy, electrolysis PEM constitutes the most important process.

Within the project, ITECAM will developed several mathematical modes through FEA software (Finite Element Analysis) to analyse the mechanical and structural behaviour of bipolar plaques assembled. The aim is to guarantee the mechanic integrity of the several manufactured pieces. It will also cooperate during the production phase of prototypes in the design of necessary equipment and the optimization of the mechanic process.


Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Torres Quevedo Programme.

The project is being programmed in collaboration with UCLM and it is oriented to the analysis of composed material’s behaviour through the use of ultrasounds. With this project, Itecam has also been cooperating with CSIC.

The appropriate projection of numerous devices and structures that have been built with polymeric materials reinforced with carbon fibres, has significance in industries related to aeronautic and auto trading. That is the reason why the use of different techniques of Non Destructive Evaluation (which make possible to increase the area of behaviour of the subjects in question) constitute an unavoidable necessity.

The analysis of the defects that appeared related to the functioning of the different structures built with CFRP can be highly complex and includes difficult handworks.

Within this project it has been presented an END through ultrasounds which is about mechanic defects present in materials that have been built with CFRP. The appropriate evaluation has allowed workers to know the position, size and morphologic of specific kinds of defects that have been introduced within the material and that were previously selected taking into account the importance of themselves for the creation of valued commercial structures.

The analysis was done over several materials of CFRP that include in its design carbon fibres with different angles of orientation (0, +/- 45, 90)

Entity and financial line: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. European Project of Technological Centres 2016.

Those aids are set aside to favour participation of both Technical Centres and Supportive Centres to technological innovation in the Horizon 2020 and to strengthen their capacity to invite more companies to join the programme. The final goal is to provide centres with a complete and stable structure to the appropriate preparation and management of European projects including both centres and companies in the improvement of their business positions and possibilities to obtain community financing in Horizon 2020.

For the development of such initiative, ITECAM will set in motion an Office for European Projects (OPE) that will answer to the specific necessities detected by the associated companies and that will also be in charge of alienate I+D+i projects with the previous stablished goals in each of the opened European calls. The conclusive aim is to minimize risks, provide technical support to those entities that requires it punctually or totally and to supply enough resources to an effective direction of projects.

Moreover, the OPE would allow in ITECAM to create a sustainable structure in management and international promotion of I+D+i projects in a specific area in which metal-mechanic sector in Castilla-La Mancha would be included as the imperative sector of the regional strategy RIS3.

The unity will be responsible of spread information about calls and tenders of EU programmes, to provide support in the presentation of projects and programmes from the EU and to drive training actions in specific required areas.

Entity and financial line: Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)

Being developed in cooperation with EOI and Excellence College in Castilla-La Mancha, the project “Service in Consultation for the impulse of PYMES and entrepreneurs EBT’S Innovation in Castilla-La Mancha Community” finished in April 2015 with tremendous success.

The initiative that was developed in the provided area by Excellence Colleges and Innovation factories was centred on the creation of consultation services conducted to enterprises in EBT’S and PYMES. Those activities were oriented to prepare beneficiary companies to obtain necessary certifications for PYME innovative signature and to be included in public register of PYMES innovative created specifically to that purpose by MINECO.

Around sixteenth PYMES and entrepreneurs obtain benefits within the project (being evaluated all requirements to access to PYME Innovative register). All participants could meet real advantages of being included in the register as are: attractive financial lines, supplements in contribution, preferential conditions to specific requests that the General Public Administration could start, etc.

Furthermore the project included the making of seven training meetings in cooperation with Excellence Colleges in the region as Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Cuenca, Talavera de la Reina, Illescas and Guadalajara.