European Projects


Financing by:  The Tech2nicians project has been funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.  

Call: KA210-VET - Small-scale partnerships in Vocational Education and Training

Period of execution: February 2022 – January 2024

Total budget: 60.000 euros

Coordinator: Industrial Technology Center of Castilla-La Mancha (ITECAM)

- Samerimpeks Impulsi DOO Skopje Macedonia del Norte (IMPULSI)
- Fundacja Centrum Umiejętności Praktycznych CUP

The aim of the project is to introduce technical vocational students to the hydrogen market. To this end, a course and a workshop will be created to give students technical and business tools to develop an active role in the hydrogen production value chain. In this course they will learn about the production, assembly, installation and maintenance of hydrogen stocks.

The “TECH2NICIANS” project is co-funded by the European Union. The opinions and views expressed in this publication commit only ITECAM and its partners involved in the project and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union and the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor the SEPIE National Agency can be held responsible for them.



Financing by: The Echoschool project has been funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

Call: KA210-SCH

Period of execution: February 2022 – January 2023

Total budget: 30.000 euros

Coordinator: Fundacja Centrum Umiejętności Praktycznych CUP

Industrial Technology Center of Castilla-La Mancha (ITECAM)
- Kćdainiq profesinio rengimo centras (KPRC)


The aim of the Echoschool project is to increase the environmental awareness of pre-school children and primary school pupils. To extend support to pre-school, primary and secondary school pupils with fewer opportunities and with social and geographical barriers.

Entity and Financial line: European lines of projects I4MS of 7º Programme.

Created together with Cottes Group and CYPE Engineers.

Fire in the Cloud includes two major goals: firstly, to introduce in the platform “CloudFlow” the CYPE-FDS software based on “Fire Dynamics Simulator” solver, property of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Secondly to develop a complete calculation about anti-fired systems in a shopping centre located in Spain.

ITECAM has participated actively in the creation and determination of the project together with two main members Cottes Group which is specialized in design and installation of anti-fired mechanism fully active and passive security in trade buildings and industrial spaces, and CYPE Engineers referred to the development of software pointed to structures, design and installation in constructions.

ITECAM manages the experiment under a technical and administrative point of view, coordinating several activities to be developed by each member of the committee. The Unit of Simulation would cooperate with Cottes Group in the confirmation of CYPE-FDS, through fired scenes simulations as an example of the real local working stations as well as through HPC architecture of CloudFlow project, supplied by Arctur Universe.

CloudFlow is a European project started in June 2014, whose main goal is the integration of tools as CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM and management of data in the cloud. The aiml is to allow technical staff in companies to computable scalable sources under demand as well as the previously mentioned tools, without invest in the acquisition of the software whose cost tend to be usually elevated.

Entity and financial line: European Network Climate-KIC.

European network Climate-KIC is one of the most important initiatives in the European Union referred to innovation against climatic change, composed by companies, academic institutions and public organisms. ITECAM was chose in 2015 to participate in “Pioneers into Practice” (PIP) project, a European programme that includes professionals, experts and enterprising to innovate in products and services able to decrease and avoid CO2 discharge to contribute into the development of a sustainable world.

Pioneers is a professional mobility programme in Network that includes technical staff specialized for two months, participating in the development of European innovative projects for the improvement of climatic change.

Concretely, there were elaborated stays for OTRI staff in LISITT (Integrated Laboratory of Intelligence Systems and Technology of Traffic Information), a group of investigation and integrated development inside IRTIC of University of Valencia or Bay Zoltán, Technological Centre of Budapest (Hungary).